Welcome to Australia’s School of Stand up Comedy. Celebrating over 14 years of professional Stand up comedy training

Welcome to Australia’s School of Stand up Comedy. Celebrating over 14 years of professional Stand up comedy training

Since 2010, we’ve trained over 1400+ students in our national training courses in SA, VIC, WA, QLD and Act. Our record of serious, professional training speaks for itself. Our students are the most respected in the industry for professionalism on stage and in the industry. No notes on hands, elbows and small sheets of paper, (our students understand its live comedy and not a lecture) proper mic etiquette and they also learn early on, how much actual time goes into mastering the Art of stand up comedy. Our graduates, have been making people laugh across the country for over 14 years. People like Jamal Abdul, Katie Burch, Michele Betts, Andrew Barnett, Joe white, Frida Deguise, Kabba, Billy Darcy and Waka are all former graduates, still hitting the stages across the country.

We are winding down our 2024 season with our final 2024 course being our New Fringe and Comedy Festival Producers/Promoters Course. Showing you how to create and promote your very own Festival Shows and save thousands of dollars while doing it.

Click here for our New Festival Producers Course

If you are looking for a standard Stand up comedy Course to prepare yourself for live performances. We recommend signing up to 2 of our former graduates who have started their own schools-

School of Hard Knock Knocks 


Sydney Comedy School  

Signing up for these schools , could cut 6 months to a year, off of you intro open mic experiences. Just click their links for more info.

Knock em dead!

Aus School of Stand up Comedy

 Our Final Course of 2024 is Nov 9th and 12noon. Book your seat for our Comedy and Fringe Festival Producer and Promoters Class Now. Limited seating. Includes a Free copy of our “How not to lose Money at Comedy and Fringe Festivals Book”

Are there age restrictions?

Yes. Sydney + 18

Not sure if stand up comedy is for you? May we suggest you make a smaller investment by purchasing our latest books on “How to be a stand up comic” and “How not to lose money at Fringe and Comedy Festivals.” (Free copy of this book included with each Promoters and Producers Course). Written by the owner of BonkerZ Comedy Clubs and founder of Aus School of Stand up Comedy

“So you wanna be stand up comic?”15 things to consider before and during.


How NOT to lose money at Fringe and Comedy Festivals

Stand up Comedy and Comedy/Fringe Festival Books -Get your copies here.